Thursday, April 5, 2012

In early 2012 Charitable Media Group, Inc. was contacted by a 14 year old girl we will call “Jennifer”. Jennifer lives in Australia and contacted a volunteer and told our volunteer an incredible story of hatred, fear, and violence. This is her story a story that is very emotional and hard to hear. A story of brainwashing and sadistic behavior. We wanted to warn you before reading any further.

“Finding the Forgotten”
‘One child’s story’

Jennifer is a 14 year old child who has lived a life most of us cannot imagine. She was born in South Australia and grew up normal life until she was 4 years old. When she turned 4 her father began to molest her and eventually began having sexual intercourse with her. By the time she was 11 years old she had given birth to a child fathered by her dad. She gave birth to the child at her house and soon after the baby died. Jennifer believes that her father killed the child because the baby was incest.

Normally this might interfere with his decisions however Jennifer still was getting raped by her father and now was put in the attic like a toy and wasn’t fed or given water for days at a time. Jennifer began to starve and even when she was allowed to eat she vomited because the sudden amount of food she ingested hurt her stomach. For years she was tortured in the attic of her house without a lot of air condition.

 The years of torment has brainwashed Jennifer into fear of her father and she never spoke up to anyone. Since she was 11 she has given birth to 3 children and all 3 children have been killed by her father. There was no record of any of these children because they were born at home. Recently her father has started to do sadistic things to her. In the past months she has had objects put into her private parts, objects like screwdriver and forks. In my years of studying physiological behavior her father is the true meaning of a sexual sadist, the worst of the worst in society.

Still in fear, Jennifer was able to convince her father to give her a cell phone but he disabled text messaging and certain features but forgot to block the internet. She finally gained enough strength to reach out and join abuse victims groups on facebook and reached out to try and get help. This story is so amazing and so hard to imagine someone capable of these crimes.

But this is why Charitable Media Group, Inc. is here, to help the helpless and make people aware of important and unimaginable stories so the public have an option to help and are educated on what actions can cause serious effects on loved ones. Our organization is seeking out government grants and public donations to try and help Jennifer along with working with local Australian organizations and the Australian Federal Police. This isn’t something that happens in “other” countries, it happens everyday in the U.S.A. Several children are raped everyday by a family member. So please assist us in supporting “Jennifer” and other children who are being sexually abused by family members.

Please share to get the word out. 

About Charitable Media Group, Inc.
Charitable Media Inc, is a Florida nonprofit organization that focuses on using all aspects of media from Video, Photo, Books etc. to help children, gain awareness, and assist other charities in promotion.  There are no paid employees of the organization and the organization survives on the passion from it's volunteers. We also survive on government and private grants along with public donations. 

Financial Distribution of Public Donations
Project Expenses     70%
Administration        20%
Promotion               7%
Fundraising             3%